beads by breul

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Taking down the tree!

It is always so sad to take down the Christmas Tree.
The house feels so empty when it is gone, not to mention
how dark it will be at night.

Here are some shots of the crew taking down the tree.

It really was a big tree!

Under the tree!

Love the foot next to her head.


Cindy said...

Great pics of the kids! We took our tree down before the weekend since we were leaving for the beach - and it felt too early. The house does seem very unadorned now without the decorations up! I guess I should focus on Valentine's Day now...

Lori P said...

Great pics!! See, I'm totally different in that I LOVE to get the dried tree out of the house - it seems so much brighter and more spacious once it's out and the needles are cleaned. Guess I'm more of the "ba humbug" type. lol