beads by breul

Monday, May 14, 2012

Behind the Eight Ball

That is exactly where I am standing at the moment
Feeling over whelmed.
So, I apologize for the lack of posts,
the lack of photographs,
and the lack of me.

We are headed into IB exams, final exams, PROM,
(yes, I am taking the photos, come back!)
graduations, promotion ceremonies, graduation parties,
18th birthday celebrations
(how the hell did that happen?)
Family coming and going,
vacation (Disney here we come!),
wisdom teeth being extracted and
college registration.
All in the next 6 weeks or so.

So, please forgive the spottiness
of my appearences here.
I will do my best.

I am doing Jeannie's Echo Creative Club challenge
and Amy's Cocktail Blog Hop,
both the end of the month.

Please stay with me,
I promise it will get better!


elisabeth said...

You couldn't lose me if you tried :-) Hang in there Momma, you're about to unleash your baby girl on the world, and I know she'll do awesomely :-)

Cindy said...

Courtney, you are one busy lady! That is a lot of milestones coming up on your calendar! Enjoy prom, the big birthay, and I also hope the not-so-fun things go smoothly as well (college registrations, wisdom teeth being pulled....). Hang in there!

SueBeads said...

Good luck getting through all this! I'm right behind you!